If you are a Axis Bank Credit card holder, this article will explain you the procedure for applying for add-on cards. You can apply for add-on card for your family members such as your parents, spouse, siblings and children above 18 years of age. This add-on card is linked to your account and has the same features as your primary credit card. You can apply for maximum of 4 add-on credit cards against your Primary credit card. Your primary credit card limit will be share to your add-on cards.
How to apply for Axis Bank Add-on Credit Card?
You can apply for Axis Bank add-on credit card in the following ways
Apply through SMS
If you want to apply using the SMS option, then type ‘ADDON‘ and send it to 5676782 from your registered mobile number.
Apply through Branch visit
You can also visit the nearest Axis Bank branch and submit the following application duly filled your details for add-on card. You have to submit acceptable KYC (Know Your Customer) documents along with this form.
Add-on-Credit-Card-ApplicationList of acceptable KYC documents for Add-on Credit card
ID Proof
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Election Card (Voter ID)
- Driving License
- Identity issued by Govt / Defence services / Public Sector undertaking
- Printed Ration card with photograph of applicant
- Photo Social Security Card (Smart Card) issued by Central / State Government / Aadhar Card
Address Proof
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Utility bill such as electricity / telephone / postpaid mobile bill / house maintenance bill / water bill / gas bill / latest property tax (Not more than 3 months old)
- Bank Statement
- Government ID card with photo and address
Submit your application duly filled your details along with any one of the ID proof and Address Proof to your nearest branch of Axis Bank.
Further, If you need any assistants call Axis bank customer service number 1800 209 5577 (or) 1800 103 5577 and write email to [email protected]